nZEB and non-domestic buildings

nZEB and non-domestic buildings
Under the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, EU Member States must ensure that all new buildings are “Nearly Zero Energy Buildings” (nZEB) by 31st December 2020 and that all new buildings occupied and owned by public bodies are designed to nZEB standard after the 31st December 2018.
The implementation of Part L of the Building Regulations 2017(nZEB) demonstrates Ireland’s commitment to reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. Improving the performance of buildings has many benefits such as reduced lifetime operational costs of the building and improved occupant comfort. Given that we spend up to 90% of our life in buildings it is paramount that we create healthy internal environments.
New non-residential builds receiving planning permission after the 31st of December 2018 must comply with Part L of the Building Regulations 2017(nZEB).
As we are in a transitional period, Part L of the Building Regulation 2011 will still apply where:
- Works, material alteration or changes of use commenced or took place on or before 31st December 2018
- Planning approval or permission for the building has been applied for on or before 31st December 2018, and substantial work has been completed by 1st January 2020.
Key changes to Part L for buildings other than dwellings compliance include;
- A Maximum Energy Performance Coefficient (MPEPC) of 1.0.
- A Maximum Carbon Performance Coefficient (MPCPC) of 1.15.
- A Renewable Energy Ratio (RER) of 20% or 10% depending.
- Air tightness backstop of 5m3/m2/hr, and mandatory air tightness testing required.
- Reduction of fabric backstop U-values:
Fabric Element Part L 2008 Backstop U values Part L 2017 Backstop U values
Walls 0.27 W/m2.K 0.21 W/m2.K
Pitched Roof 0.20 W/m2.K 0.16 W/m2.K
Flat roof 0.22 W/m2.K 0.20 W/m2.K
Floor 0.25 W/m2.K 0.21 W/m2.K
Windows & Doors 2.2 W/m2.K 1.6 W/m2.K