The Role of a Project Manager in Construction

The Role of a Project Manager in Construction

The life cycle of a construction project begins with the development of the strategy.  The role of the Project Manager is to represent the client throughout all phases of the project. It carries through to vetting and selecting suitable design and sub-consultant partners which involves designing and managing the contractor tender and award phases.  This is an important step so that best foundations can be laid for successful project completion.

ORS Project Managers are experienced engineers in various fields. They offer early stage strategic advice followed by project management and delivery. We blend our technical edge with our specialist expertise to achieve projects that are completed in line with our client’s business expectations.

Project Review IDA Carrick on Shannon Business & Technology Park

ORS was appointed by IDA Ireland to act as Project Managers for the construction of a new access road including all associated services and landscaping in Carrick on Shannon, Co. Leitrim. The purpose of the new roadway was to service the future expansion of the business park infrastructure. The project scope involved the detailed design of a single-carriage roadway, storm and foul water drainage, potable water supply and public lighting. In addition to the design, ORS was responsible for the procurement process of appropriate contractors and supervision of the contractors during the construction stage. ORS also acted as Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) for the duration of the project.

Design Stage

ORS commenced the design process by firstly applying for planning permission. A planning permission file was submitted to Leitrim County Council which contained the application forms, a civils services report and preliminary drawings outlining the proposed development. Upon grant of planning permission ORS proceeded to commence with the site investigations. A contractor was procured via a direct tender process to carry out a number of ground condition and soil sampling tests. The analysis of these tests and subsequent results formed the basis of the final design by the ORS civil engineering team. A final design proposal with associated costings was prepared and presented to the client for approval.

Tender Stage

A two-stage e-Tenders procurement process was required for the project which involved a prequalification stage followed by the tender process. ORS prepared the prequalification questionnaire and tender documentation, which included the relevant public works contracts, design drawings and preliminary health & safety plan. The tender package was submitted on e-Tenders for the duration of four weeks. During this time ORS was the principal point of contact for all queries in relation to the project. Upon receipt of all returned tenders ORS conducted a thorough evaluation of each contractor proposal and assessed submissions under the Most Economically Advantageous Tender basis. Upon assessing both the submitted price and relevant quality standards of the submitted tenders, a suitable contractor was recommended to the client and subsequently appointed.

Construction Stage

The construction contractor commenced on site with a planned programme schedule of 38 weeks and within a budget of €516k. ORS provided full contract management services during the construction stage. This involved close liaison with the Leitrim County Council and Fire Service, Irish Water, IDA Ireland and the existing occupying tenants within the business park. In addition, the ORS team chaired multiple site meetings and provided part-time site supervision of the construction contractors. ORS was also responsible for issuing completion certification for the works carried out and validating contractor payment claims.

If you have a project that requires a professional team to manage from inception to handover, please contact Cormac Geoghegan, ORS Project Management Team Leader at .

Block A, Marlinstown
Business Park, Mullingar,
N91 W5NN

Pembr, 127 Baggot Street Lower, Baggotrath, Dublin, D02 F634

Eyre Square,
H91 HY51

Office 4, Spencer House,
High Road, Letterkenny,
Co. Donegal,
F92 PX8N

Unit W9B,
Ladytown Business Park, Naas,
Co. Kildare,
W91 PC62

ORS has satellite offices in Tullamore and Maynooth.

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