Best Practices for Environmental Risk Assessment in Ireland Learn the key steps for effective environmental risk assessment of contaminated land in Ireland. Ensure compliance and sustainability with ORS expert insights. What does a contaminated site look like? In Ireland, as in many countries, contaminated land can often be traced to a legacy of industrial, agricultural,
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Closure Restoration and Aftercare Management Plans (CRAMPs) are vital in determining and addressing environmental liabilities associated with the closure and decommissioning of facilities. These plans provide a comprehensive framework for costed mitigation and monitoring measures post closure, ensuring responsible environmental management. In this blog post, we will explore the key components of CRAMPs and shed
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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of assessment of the effects of a proposed development on the environment, which helps to ensure that the environmental consequences of the project are understood before a decision to grant planning permission is reached. In Ireland, the formal EIA process is undertaken by a local planning authority or
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A Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) varies in complexity and scale. Stages 1 and 2 FRAs are desktop based and identify whether there may be flooding, and qualitatively assess and review the flood risk. Stage 3, however, involves more detailed and uncontrollable variables. It is a detailed quantitative assessment of potential flood events and involves site
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Air dispersion modelling is the mathematical representation of pollutant movement and the diffusion processes from industrial air emission sources which occur in the atmosphere under predefined conditions. Air dispersion modelling is commonly used to predict the concentration of downstream ground-level pollutants from industrial sources in the surrounding environment in terms of air quality. Air dispersion
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What is Flood Modelling? Floods are a significant natural hazard that can lead to loss of life and income and have adverse economic and social impacts. Flood risk management is the process of reducing these negative impacts. In Ireland, Flood Risk Assessments (FRA) are carried out in accordance with The Planning System and Flood Risk
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As part of a sustainability-conscious industry and with a strong focus on environmental compliance, pharmaceutical companies work with the ORS Environmental Team because we are discreet, we deliver 100% compliance, we work to industry best practice and in accordance with their site rules and we meet their deadlines. Senior Environmental Consultant at ORS, Luke Martin
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The Office of Public Works (OPW) have several regulatory functions under the 1945 Arterial Drainage Act and S.I 122/2010 (Assessment and Management of Flood Risks) Regulations, including Section 50 approval. Section 50 requires that inter alia: “No local authority, railway company, canal company or similar body and no industrial concern may construct any new bridge
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Flooding is a natural process. It occurs when a combination of events, including overflow of riverbanks, coastal storms, and deluges on inadequate drainage systems. A flood presents a risk when the potential to damage people, property or the environment arises. Due to the growing consequences of climate change, the frequency and severity of flooding have
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