How to register and accept roles on BCMS

What is BCMS?
BCMS (Building Control Management System)
BCMS is an online platform where documents can be submitted to local authority as recommended by the Building Control (Amendment) Regulations SI 9 of 2014.
With more and more local authorities now only accepting applications through the BCMS system, it is important for all parties involved in a project to become familiar with what is involved in both registering and accepting their respective roles.
When is BCMS used?
BSMS can be used where the following applications are to be submitted:
- Fire Safety Certificate
- Fire Safety Certificate (7 Day Notice)
- Revised Fire Certificate
- Regularisation Certificate
- Disability Access Certificate
- Revised Disability Access Certificate
- New Dispensation
- New Relaxation
Who must register on BCMS?
The following people who wish to submit any of the above applications must first register on BCMS
- The building Owner
- The building Designer
- The builder
- The assigned Certifier
How do I register and accept my roles on BCMS?
Registration typically takes a few minutes and can be done using the following link
The following are the steps involved with registering and accepting roles on BCMS.
Step 1:
Creating a new account.
When you arrive on the BCMS home screen, you must first click ‘Sign Up’.
You will be prompted to enter an email address where notifications will be sent.
Step 2:
Password and Personal details.
An email containing a one-time access link will be sent to your email. Clicking on this link will bring you to a page to change your password.
After this you can update your details.
Step 3:
Role acceptance:
For an application to be successfully submitted, the roles of Applicant and Owner must be accepted by the relevant persons. The notification to accept the roles will be sent to your email address where a link will take you to the BCMS home page.
Clicking on the ‘My Applications’ and selecting ‘View Details’ on the relevant job will take you in to the application. Here you can select ‘Nominate Roles’ and accept the role which has been assigned to you.
Upon accepting your role, you will also receive a confirmation email.
If you would like to discuss Fire Safety requirements for your project, please get in touch with Rory Walsh from the ORS Fire Safety Team.