Feasibility Studies All projects simply begin as an idea. An “idea” is a rough notion in our head about something we like or want to do. As an idea is developed, it goes through a fine-tuning process which results in a final form known as a “concept”. Many concepts will never be developed, while some
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Risks and opportunities are present in all projects. Risks are classified as negative effects and opportunities are seen as positive. Risks should be identified at the earliest possible stage of a project. A risk plan and risk matrix are important inputs for a project management plan. The risk matrix assesses the probability and impact of
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Stakeholder Analysis at ORS At ORS, we recognise the importance of understanding a client’s needs and project objectives. Our competitive advantage is the ability to offer clients a comprehensive multi-disciplinary service within one organisation. Our ability to take a project management led approach to delivering and meeting the client’s objectives and requirements requires us understand
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The Role of a Project Manager in Construction The life cycle of a construction project begins with the development of the strategy. The role of the Project Manager is to represent the client throughout all phases of the project. It carries through to vetting and selecting suitable design and sub-consultant partners which involves designing and
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ORS were appointed by IDA Ireland as project managers to prepare a tender for Civil Engineering Works at an existing greenfield site at IDA lands, Carrick on Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Works include the construction of new 330m of new road network including the provision of Storm & Foul Drainage, Watermain Services, Eircom Services and Public
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