Construction Environmental Management Plans

After a long period of uncertainty, Ireland’s construction sector is booming again with a significant increase of on-site activity at sites nationwide. A thriving construction sector is crucial to the country’s economic recovery and paramount to easing the housing crisis however it is important that such activity is not at the expense of our environment.  

Increasingly local authorities are demanding that developers pay due care to the environment. As a result, construction environmental management plans (CEMPs) are becoming a standard tool utilised by county councils for developers to outline their clear commitment to protecting the environment during the construction phase of a project.. The purpose of a construction environmental management plan is to address threats and outline suitable mitigation measures to the environment before they happen. 

Construction Environmental Management Plans outline how a construction project of small, medium or large scale will avoid, minimise or mitigate effects on the natural environment and surrounding local community. CEMPs ensure that environmental impacts associated with a project are managed in a practical yet environmentally friendly way, and activities comply with environmental regulations, local authority guidelines and other statutory legislation. 

The CEMP enables measures to protect the environment from all construction-related environmental issues, which can significantly impact the local environment if not reduced. Some typical projects that require a CEMP include the construction of industrial facilities, power generation projects, new residential and commercial developments and infrastructure projects.  

Building construction can cause various environmental issues and pollutants, of which all should be assessed in the scope of the CEMP. This should include: 

  • Air quality 
  • Waste 
  • Nature conservation 
  • Soils/geology 
  • Visual impact 
  • Noise 
  • Archaeology and cultural heritage sites 
  • Materials 
  • Water quality 
  • Transport/traffic 
  • Energy/resource use 

If not properly managed, these can lead to environmental hazards such as groundwater contamination, air pollution, and noise in the locality, with scope for large scale ecosystem damage if issues spiral out of control 

Construction and demolition waste is one of the most significant waste streams in the EU. C&D waste amounts to one-third of all waste streams and must be managed effectively and sustainably. A CEMP will include measures to manage waste generation on site, segregating waste types into separate streams and ensure all waste is disposed of at appropriately licensed facilities.  

A CEMP outlines the practical procedures and mitigation measures to control the above potential environmental impacts during construction, ensuring practicality and effective control measures which don’t disrupt project flow. 

ORS is dedicated to providing services that promote environmental compliance and sustainability in every area of a project’s life cycle in a cost-effective, and sustainable manner. Our team of dedicated environmental professionals have a wealth of experience in the preparation of CEMPs and are at hand to provide a cost-effective solution. 

Get in touch with our environmental team at if you would like to find more about our environmental management services. 


Block A, Marlinstown
Business Park, Mullingar,
N91 W5NN

Pembr, 127 Baggot Street Lower, Baggotrath, Dublin, D02 F634

Eyre Square,
H91 HY51

Office 4, Spencer House,
High Road, Letterkenny,
Co. Donegal,
F92 PX8N

Unit W9B,
Ladytown Business Park, Naas,
Co. Kildare,
W91 PC62

ORS has satellite offices in Tullamore and Maynooth.

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