Mental Health and Wellbeing is now becoming a critical part of the construction industry’s safety culture. Covid-19 has further highlighted how important this is now and for the future. Minor improvements in our well being can increase our ability to lead a more fulfilling life. Keeping Active: Many studies have found that being physically active
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A DMURS Quality Audit (QA) is a defined process independent of the design team. However, it requires involvement through the project’s planning, design and construction stages to ensure that high-quality infrastructure or streetscapes are delivered and maintained. The DMURS Quality Audit process is applied to new highway, traffic management or public realm projects. The QA
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By their very nature, development projects are complex. Numerous elements must be considered to ensure developments satisfy planning requirements and that the proposed scheme can be constructed according to quality and compliance standards. Design teams can often overlook the detailed design of road infrastructure during the planning stages. The crucial details of new internal roadways, public road access or junctions are
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After a long period of uncertainty, Ireland’s construction sector is booming again with a significant increase of on-site activity at sites nationwide. A thriving construction sector is crucial to the country’s economic recovery and paramount to easing the housing crisis however it is important that such activity is not at the expense of our environment. Increasingly local authorities are demanding that developers pay due care to the environment. As a result, construction environmental management plans (CEMPs) are becoming a standard tool utilised
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From 1st August 2021, the UK government has introduced an additional requirement to building safety regulations. The government has defined three separate gateway points – these are the points at which the building owner must demonstrate compliance during the design and building of a new high rise. The new regime will introduce a number of
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The Strategic Housing Development (SHD) process was introduced in 2017 as part of Rebuilding Ireland to help expedite the planning application process and accelerate the delivery of larger housing and student accommodation developments. Developments comprising of over 100 residential units and/or student accommodation comprising 200 or more bed spaces are eligible to go through the
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As energy users become more energy-efficient and reduce energy demand, the next steps in mitigating reliance on fossil fuels are identifying and implementing appropriate and site-specific renewable energy technologies. Renewable energy technologies allow homeowners, SMEs, public-owned buildings, and large industrial plants and public sector organisations to generate electricity, consume it onsite, improve self-sufficiency, and reduce
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Latent Defects Insurance (LDI) is a form of insurance that provides cover to new-build premises in the event of an inherent defect in the design, workmanship or materials which may become apparent in the structure or waterproofing envelope of a building after practical completion, resulting in physical loss or damage. This form of insurance policy
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The RESS 1 is the first component of the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme by the Irish Government and is a central element to the Governments Climate Action Plan. According to Eirgrid, 82 projects have been deemed successful in the recent RESS 1 Auction. This equates to approximately 1275.536 MW of generated power that can potentially
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