Project Outcome
The project successfully replaced the existing culvert system with a larger precast box culvert, significantly improving hydraulic performance and mitigating flood risks. The streamâs invert was lowered, allowing for a controlled regrading of the channel both upstream and downstream. This upgrade ensured that floodwaters could be effectively managed, unlocking adjacent land for development while maintaining the operation of the feeder canal.
The construction methodology incorporated a modular approach, with 13 precast box sections and precast headwalls, ensuring efficient installation. We coordinated the temporary damming of a 30m section of the feeder canal using puddle clay, with over-pumping systems maintaining uninterrupted water flow to the Royal Canal. Environmental protection measures, including silt curtains and overflow culverts, were implemented to maintain natural hydrology and safeguard aquatic habitats.
Additionally, ground investigations informed design adjustments to address varying soil conditions, particularly in supporting crane operations for culvert installation. The project adhered to stringent safety protocols, with our team revising the excavation approach to an open and battered excavation for enhanced safety and constructability.